Is She Killing The Animals At Her Petting Zoo? She Says No But Others Aren"t Sure

Is She Killing The Animals At Her Petting Zoo? She Says No But Others Aren"t Sure

%We"ve all been to one of those local wildlife sanctuaries, and unfortunately, they can seem more than a little bit sketchy. While zoos are more highly regulated, smaller locations that operate as part petting zoo can be more questionable. Reports from these tourist attractions often say the animals don"t have enough room or that they look ragged and run-down. For one Minnesota location that claims to be an educational center, the accusations go far beyond simply not caring enough about the animals" well-being. In fact, some are suggesting that the owner is killing some of them herself.
Fur-Ever Wild owner and operator Terri Petter operates a facility that houses wolves, cougars, foxes, and many more animals. Facebook / Fur-Ever Wild
In a 2012 court case, Petter admitted that she harvests fur from the animals she raises at what she calls an ed..
