Does This New Toy Craze Actually Have Something To It? Some Psychologists Say Yes

Does This New Toy Craze Actually Have Something To It? Some Psychologists Say Yes

%So many people find themselves distracted and unsure what to do with their hands. Whether it"s sitting all day at work or trying to focus during a lecture, the fact is that sitting completely still doesn"t work for everyone. That"s why some teachers have caught on to the fact that just because a student may be drawing or fidgeting that doesn"t mean they"re not paying attention.
It"s also why fidget toys have exploded recently. Fidget cubes and spinners have skyrocketed to the top-selling lists, and in some cases, they"ve become so prevalent that they"re being banned for being a distraction. But do fidget toys live up to the hype?
Research shows that people need different levels of stimulation in order to focus. That"s why some people must work in complete silence while others need music. It"s also why some may find fidget items helpful while others may not. Kids who have attention issues or anxiety may find fidget toys help them in c..
